The young man and woman, though biological siblings share a deep bond as they navigate the challenges of caring for their ailing mother. Their journey is marked by struggle, hardship, and desperation, forcing them to take on demeaning jobs to make ends meet. Despite the difficulties, they hope their situation improves and their mother recovers. Through their tears, pain, and sacrifices, they find strength in each other and their determination to create a better future. Watch as this interesting movie unfolds.
CAST: Racharl Okonkwo, Stanley Igboanugo, Ngozi Ezeonu, Andy Ike, Sele Kent–Sele, Emeka Declan, Juliet Patrick Odigwe.
EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Amaka Akachukwu Ibeh
DIRECTOR: Uchenna Felix Agu.
COMPANY: AkaGod Films
YEAR: 2024
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